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ind4Business rates are often one of your highest annual overheads, typically second only to rent or wages costs.  Non Domestic Rates is a tax that must be paid by every business and as such many businesses simply accept the charge without considering what might be done to reduce this expense.

Rate Liability can be a complicated issue as the factors involved can include, Transitional Relief, Transitional Premiums, Supplementary Business Rates (and Business Rates Supplements), Small Business Rate Relief, Rural Rate Relief, as well as allowances such as Empty Property Relief, Charitable Relief, and Section 44a Allowances.

Even though there are many factors that make up your rate bill, the basis of the charge is dependant on the Rateable Value (RV). Every non-domestic property has a rateable value which can be appealed at anytime between 1 April 2010 and 31 March 2017. There is a new rating revaluation 1 April 2017.

In most cases only one appeal* is permitted in each revaluation period so it is advisable to use an experienced rating specialist such as Guy Nicholson.

Our charges for rating appeal work are success related and if we do not achieve a reduction in the amount payable we will not raise a fee.

*The Valuation Office Agency will only accept one appeal for any one event occurring in the life of the rating list (i.e. the five year period).  The revaluation itself is classed as an “event” and therefore only one appeal will be accepted against the Rateable Value as at 1st April 2010 on the grounds that it is incorrect.  Subsequent events, such as a Material Change of Circumstance effective after 1st April 2010 may also be appealed but again, only one appeal for any one event will be accepted. Once an appeal is accepted it must be either settled or withdrawn so it essential that you have an experienced rating specialist acting on your behalf who will be able to progress the appeal to the most favourable conclusion.